Legal Notice

Responsible for the content

Moving Spine AG
Forchstrasse 340
8008 Zürich

Phone: +41 44 250 53 00

Commercial Register: CH-

VAT: CHE-234.219.537

The entire content of the Moving Spine website is covered by copyright and trademark law. You may download or print material from the Website, strictly for your own or your company’s use, provided you do not alter the content or delete any information relating to copyright or ownership.

No Warranty 
Moving Spine makes reasonable efforts to ensure the reliability of the information presented on the Website, but makes no warranties or representations whatsoever in respect to its accuracy or reliability.

Limitation of Liability 
Moving Spine commissions the services of a quality hosting service and Webmaster, however the company disclaims, without limitation, all liability for any loss or damage of any kind, including any direct, indirect or consequential damages, which might be incurred through the use of or access to the Website, or any links to third-party websites. This clause also extends to losses and damages incurred through viruses.

Links to Third Party Sites 
This website may provide links to other websites. Moving Spine has not fully reviewed all pages linked from this website and cannot be liable for their content. Users link to other sites at their own risk and use such sites according to the individual terms and conditions of use of those sites. Provision of links to third party websites should not be considered an endorsement by Moving Spine.

Updating Content 
Moving Spine reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes in the documents and/or other materials contained on this website site at any time without notice.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction 
Subject to the Terms and Conditions set forth herein, any use of the Website and all legal disputes arising in connection therewith shall exclusively be governed by Swiss law. Exclusive place of jurisdiction is Switzerland.

Our Company – Hospital Building: © University Hospital Balgrist

Our Technology – Surgeon: © Sabina Bobst, Tagesanzeiger

Our Management – Portrait Prof. Farshad, Portrait Dr. Widmer: © University Hospital Balgrist

Separation Pictures – (1) Campus Building, (2) OR, (3) Staircase, (5) Campus Building: © Balgrist Campus
